Thursday, April 10, 2008


so this is it, my adorable little blog that my limited (but still awesome) html and microsoft paint skills created. i won't lie, im a little impressed. i wish i had something to rant about today, but instead maybe i'll just do one of those myspace surveys that take up space and occupy time.

What's the last song you downloaded?
hmm a few silversun pickups - lazy eye remixes in an attempt to find the one we play at old navy that i LOVE.

Do you ever think about deleting your myspace?
i used to in high school when it was the cool place to be passive aggressive.
but no ones that dumb anymore.
so no.

Do you have any siblings?

Where is your dad right now?
at work. he works nights for neiman's.

Closest silver object?
the lighter sitting on my foot. (weird?)

Would you go back in time to change anything you've done?
no, not that im proud of everything ive ever done but you live, you learn.

Last time you listened to country music?
randomly on the radio last night in the car on the way back from a late night whataburger trip.
jo dee messina - lesson in leaving
one of the few country songs i actually enjoy

What are your fears?
helicopters, in real life, in movies, in cartoons.
its really strange. something to do with the blades freaks me out

What did you dream about last night?
dont remember, i slept pretty solid (on the couch) in order to procrastinate my philosophy paper a little more.

What was the last thing you ate?
a chicken quesadilla from cabana.
not good. at all.
i swear they were good at one time?

Do you like 80's movies?
generally no. something about them looking so dated just irks me.

Do you have anything to pay off?
haha, i'm in college, what do you think?
credit cards :/
my mom tried to warn me. lol

If strangers looked in your closet what would they think?
depends on how close they looked.
they'd probably think i was obsessed with old navy but in reality i just get cheap clothes even cheaper with my discount. slowly but surely old navy is taking over my closet.

What was the last thing you bought?
an iced mojo @ epoch

Are you listening to music right now?
yes, 311 - all mixed up on my little jango station (i.e. new internet radio obsession. its really impressive at picking what songs it thinks you'll like based on what songs you tell it you like)

What are you doing for your next birthday?
well, its my 21st. AND its ON fat tuesday.
so whatever it is, its gonna be big.

Where is the last place you went out to eat?
the oasis.
which was surprisingly even more amazing on a gloomy day.
not to mention free since andrews brother paid.

Who was the last band you saw live?
mutemath (with matchbox 20 and alanis morisette)
i was most excited about mutemath who only played a 15 minute set (bummer)
BUT speaking of, i did get a pretty amazing matchbox 20 pic with the camera phone.

rob thomas is in the bottom right hand corner. lol the LED screens were supposed to be the focal point of the picture. The specks are everyone in the crowd holding up their phones (instead of lighters) per rob's request. it was pretty spectacular. on screen and off. and the whole live image via LED screen thing. definitely something i'd never seen before. the whole thing was really mind blowing. (on second thought i dont think thats what this picture is of... but it did happen)


Blogger ChyTea said...

hmmm... im not sure if u can do that on here hahaha...

but i can just find you from my comments!

and its cute! haha nice ;}

April 27, 2008 at 3:45 PM 

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